Trading portefolio Update 29-1-2023 Noa Strijbos 01/29/2023 Good morning all! Here some words on upcomming year!! So markets where up down and in 2022 we build into some amazing company’s. Now this… Continue Reading
layofs banking microsoft! Noa Strijbos 12/15/2022 layofs are happening $GS is cutting a few 100 jobs in retail banking so thats real! even $MSFT likes subscribtion options a lot by giving… Continue Reading
oil bonds and inflation short news Noa Strijbos 11/25/2022 HI allBonds are rising oil demand is weakeningus indexes is midly positive inflation up! so all in all intresting markets please rply to my latest… Continue Reading
Question for my loyal readers! Noa Strijbos 11/25/2022 Good morning INdex es are down we are up for the month and more to come I want to ask you what would you want… Continue Reading
INflation dividents Noa Strijbos 11/19/2022 HI all inflations is high markets down and where building a divident machine. We are well build for watherver the market is trowoing at us… Continue Reading