Markets d not buttom on fridays Noa Strijbos 11/08/2019 Markets d not buttom on fridays So where going strong where more defensive possitiond at the moment wich is fine closed some old tradees and… Continue Reading
Financial weekly News Noa Strijbos 10/26/2019 On Monday 21st October, S&P 500, Dow, and Nasdaq got momentum as S&P 500 amplified by 0.69% or 20.51 point. S&P 500 shut high of… Continue Reading
Financial News Noa Strijbos 04/01/2019 Financial News Right so all economic data from Europe is Not good at all!!! UK is suspires with a 4.1 uptick 🙂 OOh well are… Continue Reading
Financial analysing saterday best trade of the centyry?! Noa Strijbos 03/16/2019 Financial analysing stocks saterday So that was my saterday Early morning analysing than time for family than afternoon analysing than fam time than when my… Continue Reading
How to trade stocks Noa Strijbos 12/12/2018 How to trade stocks Yes Its not that simple to know how trade stocks But i can show you one of the most important things… Continue Reading