Track record 2018:
trackrecord for 2018 sumup!
I do want to wish you all a great a happy new year and all the goods for 2018!!!
I want to thank all my copyers for there trust and most of the once that are copying me already for 4 years.
Yes I’m doing this already for 4 years And I’m planning to do it a lot longer!!! Best year was 2014 597% returns.
I Manage 3 accounts: noasnoas, stocksnoasnoas, noascopyfund there all manual traded by me!
When you would have started investing with me from the start with 50.000 dollars this is roughly what you would have now:
noasnoas: 513.000 dollars! 4 years trackrecord
stocksnoasnoas starting 50K you would now have around 85.000 dollars; 2 years trackrecord
noascopyfund: 50k 54.500 dollars 1 year trackrecord
What about next Year?
I do expect that all my accounts will do better simply since Im having more time for trading as my daughter now is a little older!
Since the hunt for Yields is big I do expect the stocksnoasnoas and noasnoas as well will do very good this year !
Nocopyfund is a little bit different since the 2 main thing for that portfolio are 1 be invested in the market 2) hedge out risk as much as possible and get risk adjusted returns!
Memorable for this year!
There is one blogpost witch is readed a lot 🙂 its so important!!!
Still the most fun video:
Track record 2015 Noa Strijbos:

last year trading peformance is history with max drawdown of 21% And a 37% Profit ending with a drawdown at his moment from just 1% wich I’m happy with.
There is lot of room to exeed that peformance in 2016!!!
Thank You all for being here with me and thank you for youre trust to invest in way I trade!
And Its so amazing all the help I get from you all! It really feels in a way we are a team! I could not be ding this for so many persons if I would have done things all by myself!!!
So for those who helped me and My gues is that they know it… THANK YOU!!!!! (from logo’s to groups to give feedback and much more)
Most special moment the Interview with read it here reuters
so for the Next year we have some great things comming up! Like the stockportefolio I started: stocksnoasnoas
Wish you all a great day! Feel Free to share Like and comment!!! Thank you in advange!
(04/20/2016 - 5:46 PM)I don’t under what’s the meaning with copying I am new may be some one can guide me
Best online brokerage account for beginners | noasnoas-socialtrading
(01/02/2018 - 8:29 AM)[…] After you familiarize yourself with the broker’s platform, search for other traders who you wish to follow or copy. This can be done using many useful filters to narrow down on the best traders with impressive performance and in the right markets. For traders you copy, when they execute a trade, it is also opened in your account and also closed when they close. Fully automated. You can Copy trades someone with a maximum of 50.000. You can copy me and read about me and check my trackrecord. started in 2014 […]